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Surrender With Trust
To The Divine Flow Of Creation

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Hellie Flow

Surrendered with Trust to the Divine Flow of Creation, I weave my way through the experience of being me, here, on this Magnificent Planet. Seeing every experience as a blessing that comes my way to help me evolve, I face occasions of bliss and challenge with an equal amount of reverence. I am a permanent student of life and the Holy Forces of Creation. I am in service to the Earth and her Sacred Medicines and strive to be an example of their wisdom to the best of my abilities. I help people remember their personal Power, Divinity, and Wholeness. I live to share the teachings I have been gifted along my path and the light I carry in my heart with those who are guided to me. I have come to assist the Healing of Humanity as we Rise into Illumination, Birthing a World of Love, Peace, Harmony, Unity, and Freedom.

Ayahuasca Vine

Work With Me

Kambo Ceremonies
Personal Guidance
Kambo Training
Sacred Vine


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